Sucre, Bolivia

by | November 16, 2021

Selection criteria

Criterion (iv): The wealth of the heritage of the Historic Center of the Spanish city of Sucre (La Plata) is an intact and well-preserved illustration of the excellent mix of architecture made in Latin America through the assimilation of local traditions and styles imported from Europe.


The property boundary includes all the necessary components that make up the outstanding universal value of the historic city of Sucre, with buildings constructed between the 16th and 19th centuries that illustrate the assimilation and blending of local architectural traditions and styles imported from Europe. Therefore, the area covered by the boundary is sufficient (472.8 ha) to allow a complete representation of the characteristics and processes that convey the importance of this property. In addition, the property has not suffered the negative effects of development or lack of maintenance. There is a buffer zone of 358.24 ha.


The historic city of Sucre is authentic in terms of form and design, materials and substances, as well as location and surroundings. Its buildings, the architectural result of the symbiosis of local and imported styles, have been maintained and conserved in a homogeneous and harmonious way, both in form and their surroundings, in harmony with the environment.

Protection and management requirements

According to allcitycodes, the historic city of Sucre is protected by various national laws, supreme decrees, national and municipal orders, and resolutions that specifically determine legal protection measures, including, among others, the Political Constitution of the State, article 191, the Law of National Monuments, 5/8/1927 ; monuments of art: the denomination in Sucre, 8 national monuments, Article 8 of Supreme Decree (DS) 04/11/ 1930, designation as a historic city of the old town of Sucre. No. 9004 SD 27/11/ 1969, National Monument designation of buildings and structures in Sucre, SD No. 9365 27/8/ 1970 ; Additional rules on the heritage and artistic, historical and archaeological monuments, SD No. 05918 of 11/06/ 1961, and Heritage Promotion Law No.2068 of 12/4/ 2000. The Agency responsible for property management is the Ministry of Culture, dependent on the national government. Preservation and conservation policies have been drawn up, such as the Regulation of Historical Heritage (Chapter IV) and the monitoring of the treatment of Historical Heritage (Chapter III) of the Sucre Regulatory Plan in 1974. The Plan consists of social, economic and educational support through the development of cultural tourism conceived as a resource to maintain and preserve the historic center of the city. The key municipal tools include the Master Plan for the Revitalization of the Historic Center, approved by OM No. 083/08, and the Regulation for the Conservation of the Historic Areas of Sucre approved by OM No. 003/98, the legal and technical instrument that it controls the interventions in the three protected areas of the historic center of the city and includes incentives and sanctions. The Mixed Municipal Unit of Historical Heritage – Plan of Rehabilitation of the Historic Areas of Sucre “PRAHS” (Mixed Municipal Unit of the Directorate of Historical Heritage – Plan of Rehabilitation of the Historic Areas of Sucre “PRAHS”) is responsible for compliance with regulations; Any action or intervention in the historic center of the city must have the approval of this unit. The preservation and conservation of the historic city of Sucre are based on international standards, with national and international funds. Maintaining the property’s outstanding universal value over time will require verification and monitoring of its authenticity and integrity to ensure that it is not compromised by potential or identified threats. The Sucre development plan must, however, reinforce the aspects related to the preservation of cultural heritage. The preservation and conservation of the historic city of Sucre are based on international standards, with national and international funds. Maintaining the property’s outstanding universal value over time will require verification and monitoring of its authenticity and integrity to ensure that it is not compromised by potential or identified threats. The Sucre development plan must, however, reinforce the aspects related to the preservation of cultural heritage. The preservation and conservation of the historic city of Sucre are based on international standards, with national and international funds. Maintaining the property’s outstanding universal value over time will require verification and monitoring of its authenticity and integrity to ensure that it is not compromised by potential or identified threats. The Sucre development plan must, however, reinforce the aspects related to the preservation of cultural heritage. Maintaining the property’s outstanding universal value over time will require verification and monitoring of its authenticity and integrity to ensure that it is not compromised by potential or identified threats. The Sucre development plan must, however, reinforce the aspects related to the preservation of cultural heritage. Maintaining the property’s outstanding universal value over time will require verification and monitoring of its authenticity and integrity to ensure that it is not compromised by potential or identified threats. The Sucre development plan must, however, reinforce the aspects related to the preservation of cultural heritage.

Sucre, Bolivia